Scientific writing has two goals: to inform the reader of brand new developments in a field that is specific also to address existing questions with new evidence.

Academic research paper sample that is writing

  • Academic writing in the sciences addresses new scientific developments and clarifications of scientific questions, most frequently in the shape of a lab report, journal article, or literature review. The natural sciences include fields such as for example astronomy, biology, chemistry, and physics; the social sciences include anthropology, economics, linguistics, political science, sociology, and psychology.
  • Scientific papers commonly follow the IMRAD model, which is short for introduction, method, results, and discussion.
  • The introduction should describe elements such as the paper’s motivation, aim, problem, tested hypothesis, novel contributions, background materials, and a summary associated with the material that is subsequent.
  • The writer’s should be covered by the methods section assumptions, system model, simulation model, and gratification measures. For an original study, when, where, and just how the study was conducted, what materials were utilized, and who was simply contained in the study groups should all be included.
  • The writer should include any empirical data, charts, and plots that convey the answer to the research question, and state whether the research hypothesis was proven or not proven in describing the results.
  • The discussion section should analyze the outcomes, state why they matter, contextualize them in relation to existing research, and suggest the implications for future research.
    • objectivity: the capability to perceive a topic without being affected by personal biases or emotions.
    • bias: an absolute opinion or position on a topic.
    • lab report: A step-by-step explanation of this materials, methods, data, results, analysis,
      conclusions, and references of an experiment.

    Scientific research papers report new discoveries, applying evidence to answer questions and identify patterns. Writing in these disciplines often takes the form of peer-reviewed journal articles, literature reviews, grant proposals, case studies, and lab reports.

    For instance, in an environmental-science lab report, a student might analyze research leads to address or clarify a specific scientific development or question:

    “This study aims to identify degrees of chlorine and phosphorus compounds in a three-mile stretch for the Columbia River, that is a place notable for salmon runs. An analysis of samples bought out a period that is two-year various locations within the three-mile stretch revealed the persistence of high amounts of phosphorous and chlorine compounds. Into the study, we examine the connection between salmon population therefore the persistence of those compounds.”

    Scientific papers require a lot of preliminary work, including research, field work, and experimentation. Translating that work into writing can be difficult, but academic conventions provide a template that is common communicating findings clearly and effectively.

    Writing within the sciences seeks to spell out complex phenomena in clear, straightforward prose that minimizes bias that is authorial. It includes components of classical argument, since scientific papers are expected to contextualize, analyze, and interpret the given information in front of you.

    Precision of Language

    Lab reports, case studies, along with other types of scientific writing must certanly be precise to be able to provide results that may be reproduced and tested.

    Strive to use simple words and sentences. Some students try to make their work sound more intellectual simply by using obscure words and long, elaborate sentences. In fact, the academy values precise words and detailed descriptions which can be still understandable to a audience that is lay. Don’t attempt to mimic the stereotype of dense, convoluted academic writing. Instead, write as simply and clearly as you are able to. Precision is a key component of clarity.

    Within the sciences, precision has two main applications: using concrete examples, and using language that is clear describe them. Defining your parameters accurately is essential. Don’t generalize—provide times that are exact measurements, quantities, as well as other relevant data whenever you can. Using precise, straightforward language to describe your projects can be vital. It is not the time or place for flashy vocabulary words or rhetorical flourishes. Style, however, is still important: writing about the sciences does give you a n’t pass to create sloppily.


    The sciences strive for objectivity at every stage, through the procedures that are experimental the language used in the write-up. Science writing must convince its audience that its offering a significant, innovative contribution; as a result, it offers an character that is argumentative. Combining objectivity and argumentative writing can be challenging. Scientific objectivity has two requirements: your hypothesis should be testable, and your results needs to be reproducible.

    The significance of objectivity in the sciences limits writers’ capacity to use rhetoric that is persuasive. However, it is still required to make a strong case for the significance, relevance, and applicability of the research. Argumentative writing does have a accepted place in scientific papers, but its role is limited. You might use language that is persuasive the abstract, introduction, literature review, discussion of results, and conclusion, but stay away from it when you describe your methods and present your results.


    Many students find it difficult to transition from a single topic to the next. Transitions are well worth mastering—they would be the glue that holds your ideas together. Never assume that your reader will correctly guess the relationships between different subtopics; it really is your responsibility to explain these connections.

    Scientific Reasoning

    Keeping your chosen model at heart while you write will help make sure that your decisions and conclusions are logically consistent. Also, look out for logic traps such as for instance bias and faulty causality. Researchers must account for their own biases, or personal preferences, prejudices, and preconceived notions. These can sometimes include bias that is cognitive thinking), cultural bias (the imposition of one’s own cultural standards upon research subjects), and sampling bias (the tendency during sample collection to include some people in the intended sample more readily than others).

    The human body of a paper that is scientific comes with the following sections: introduction (which could include a literature review), methods, results, and discussion.

    Learning Objectives

    Define each part of the IMRAD structure

    Key Takeaways

    Key Points

    • The IMRAD model may be the conventional structural approach to academic writing into the sciences. The IMRAD model has four parts: introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
    • An overview is provided by the literature review of relevant research in your discipline. This may be included as part of the introduction, or it may stand as the own section.
    • The techniques section should explain the method that you collected and evaluated important computer data.
    • When your project conducts an experiment or an original data analysis, you need to include a separate section that reports your results.
    • The discussion section should analyze your results without reporting any findings that are new.
    • IMRAD: An acronym for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion—the conventional structure of a paper that is scientific.
    • literature review: A synthesis associated with the critical points of current knowledge in a given field, which includes significant findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic.
    • quantitative: Of research methods that depend on objective measurements and data analysis.
    • result: The discovery (or lack of discovery) that comes from the method that is scientific of.
    • qualitative: Of research methods that create a far more subjective understanding by studying a subject’s defining qualities and character.

    The format for the body of the paper varies depending on the discipline, audience, and research methods in the natural and social sciences. Generally, the body regarding the paper contains an introduction, a methods section, results, and discussion. This method is called IMRAD for short.

    These sections usually are separate, although sometimes the email address details are with the methods. However, many instructors prefer that students maintain these divisions, because they are still learning the conventions of writing inside their discipline. Most journals that are scientific the IMRAD format, or variations from it, and also recommend that writers designate the four elements with uniform title headings.

    You will need to stay true to each essay section’s stated purpose. You can cite relevant sources into the methods, discussion, and conclusion sections, but again, save the lengthy discussion of the sources when it comes to introduction or literature review. The outcome section should describe your outcomes without discussing their significance, while the discussion section should analyze your results without reporting any findings that are new. Think of each section as a training course served at a dinner—don’t that is fancy the soup in to the salad or add leftover scraps through the entree towards the dessert!